Friday, February 8, 2008

Peace, My Child

I truly believe there are times when His words to the sea "Peace, be still!" echoe again in our hearts, but we fail to recognize it. Agonizing and worrying over burdens hide the "stillness" that is His gentle promise to us.

I know, personally, I become so caught up in daily life that I forget how all of life should be centered around Him, and I lose the peace and tranquility I could have been blessed with. That is when He gets my attention in a way that I can't miss. Usually a painful way. Usually a way that brings me to my knees in an earnest helpless seeking that I have neglected for far too long. Usually tears are involved, usually pleas. Yet through it all He gently reminds me; "Daughter, you needed this. You were forgetting about Me." And even if His answer is not the one I wanted, His peace that passes all understanding does eventually come to guard my heart and mind.

I do tend to worry far too much, and especially for a daughter who has everything in the hands of a great and loving Father. Often I need to read over the words; "In returning and rest shall you be saved, in quietness and confidence will be your strength." (Isaiah 30:15)

Rest, and quiet. Returning, and confidence. Rest of a burdened, fretting, over-analyzing mind. Quietness softly creeping back into a troubled heart. A return; to the One who in fact blessed us with this trial that we might return in the first place. Confidence. A peaceful and quiet confidence, yet still certain and boldly non-hesitant. All gifts from the Father - Who holds the answer in His hands.

Don't misunderstand; I am not saying His gift to a troubled heart is always necessarily passive. Peace is often present in activity, yet it is a serene presence. And he gives ability to remain serene through heart-wrenching pain.

But first, we need to be still...

At His feet.


Jennifer said...

I enjoyed your is wonderful how god can bring peace to our lives..god bless and feel free to drop by my blog anytime..luv in christ

Stylin said...

Thats a wonderful post.God speaks to us if we are listening hard enough!

Elisabeth said...

I can relate! Thank you for writing and posting such honest and encouraging thoughts!